Monday, October 18, 2010

Our office

I think everyday since my last post I have had something to share about our farm, but everyday comes and goes without posting , so today I made the time to share about what our office and playground looks like.
Yesterday was Sunday, and we typically try to take a day of rest, but during harvest it is really hard, so often times Sunday is the day to take care of odd jobs so that the other 6 days of week harvesting of our crops happens efficiently.
So I want to share one of the greatest advantages I see of growing food and ultimately getting dirty going to the office. On our farm, our office is wherever we happen to be. Farmer1 got a phone call asking advice about caring for new calves that are arriving all over our area from MT. Special care is taken to get these calves off to the right start. You will notice, he had a hard time hearing because in his office at that moment he couldn't just shut the door to keep out all the noise...many bin fans were running, cattle were mooing, a fence was being built and I think I might have even heard a pheasant.
While Farmer1 was on the phone, farmkid3 was enjoying a little fun in between helping hang a gate. He was having fun and thought he might be able to get a job reading bunks if he could get real fast at going down the bunks on his bike.

Well, I'ld better get busy as I am in charge of weed management in our pasture and today looks like a great day to spray.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

So what a difference the sun makes and a temperature of 39--a real heat wave for our part of the country-in fact I have the window open just a crack currently (fresh farm air is one of the benefits of life on the farm).

Today Farmer1 asked me to help him back the semi & grain trailer into the shop, so that he can put new tires on the trailer. Normally this would not involve me but today due to all the snow and the trailer being empty, we had to chain it to the grain cart (because the tractor is still connected and has a radio in it so Farmer1 could tell me when to go and stop) and pull the trailer into the shop. No surprise to Farmer1 it worked just fine.

I've also included a picture of my front door, just wondering how long it will be before we can use it again.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It's been awhile since last posting and my only excuse is harvest, rain, harvest, snow, wind, more snow and more wind. It all seems like a blur. Anyway, would like to share a few pics from life on our snow covered farm.